


Based out of Los Angeles, PERSONA PICTURES formed in 2015 with a dual goal: to bring significant world issues to exciting film plotlines and give independent film financiers the most viable investment opportunities. Yes, we live for a good story. But we at PERSONA realize that film is a business, like any other, and what drives us to go above and beyond in our storytelling is our gratitude for our financiers. You will appreciate the way our company makes the most of your investment in a business that can treat money carelessly. If you've dreamed of being involved in moviemaking but are dreading that tax write-off of a total loss- when your investment in an 8 million dollar picture isn't returned and suddenly just isn't that exciting anymore- rest assured that PERSONA was made for you. 

PERSONA is here to insist that it's simply not that hard to make a movie good. With the incredible stories told in literature old and new, on blogs and news sites online, and most importantly by ourselves and life experience, there's too much quality in the world to let bad movies happen. We dare to show the world that film is a good investment, as long as the best stories are being told with the very best quality and smartest budgets. Using our own top-of-the-line rentals, elite locations and built-in network of cinema experts, we make it happen.   


PRODUCER / Heidi Selexa
PRODUCER / Ann Tomberlin
PRODUCER / Nick Airus
PRODUCER / George Loomis



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